There’s no lack of resources that offer tips on fuel-spill prevention as well as what to do when a spill does occur. Posting instructional signage on refueling and making absorbent fuel products readily available is a great start, but most marinas are “missing the boat” when it comes to the best defense out there for fuel spills. Clean Way Fuel Fill is the only product on the market today that actually captures the fuel spill BEFORE it even happens! It’s a new, easy-to-use method of boat fueling that will keep surfaces clean (great teak protection!), keep hands clean, and keep fuel out of the water. When your boaters use a Clean Way Fuel Fill, any overfill from fuel “burping” is captured in the unique baffle design, which then flows right back down into the tank, where it belongs.
Many boaters are already fueling up cleaner and faster by using Clean Way when refueling, and now Clean Way offers their same great product in a Marina Rack system. The rack includes three Clean Way Fuel Fill baffles that are housed in the funnels of a great looking, powder-coated, weather-proof rack. Installing a Clean Way Fuel Fill Marina Rack at your dock means spill-free refueling will be right at your boaters' fingertips. And you’ll be proud to boast that your marina is doing its part to keep the environment free of nasty fuel spills.
Your boaters will appreciate it and your marina will be the “go-to” dock for safe, clean refueling. Start 2018 off with the best New Year's resolution for you and your boaters. Don't just be a clean marina, be a Clea Way marina! Call us a 772-460-6670 for more information about how to get a Clean Way Marina Rack installed at your marina. Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year!