
See why satisfied boaters love their Clean Way™ Fuel Fill. They're keeping their watercraft clean while protecting the environment. Boaters everywhere are enjoying totally spill-free refueling using Clean Way. You can, too! 

Praises from our online community: 



I’ve pulled my hair out at the pump for years now filling my boat. I have a 120 gl tank. The last 30 gallons are a struggle to slow fill. I’m entirely unable to use the locking tab on the pump handle at this point. I normally have to find a sweet spot and fight through hand cramps to force in the fuel, or rig a twist tie, apple core, pop bottle or something else in the handle to gingerly let the fuel in. That last 30 gallons on average takes 30+ minutes to accomplish…yes, that’s a gallon a minute! 
I believe the issue is just a poor kingfisher design.  Other boat owners have similar complaints. I’ve done as much as I can think of short of retrofitting another vent line on the tank. So tonight I dumped 120 gallons in my tank and the total time was under 40 minutes. I’ll take it!  
The fuel fill was a significant improvement. It shortened my pump time by 1/3rd. It did not decrease the fuel bill though (grin). I can probably get it done a few minutes quicker next time. 
I did have to modify the fuel fill though. The suction cup was removed bc the flip cap on the kingfisher interferes with it. I simply restrained the upper portion of the fuel fill with a twist tie. I also had to use another twist tie to “hold” the handle in the sweet spot as pressure from the pump was still too fast when using the locking tab on the handle. (See photo). It looks interesting, but all in all I’m pleased. An inexpensive band-aid fix to something that was driving me looney. 
All in all I wanted to say thanks, give you some feedback.


J. Koppel

Five Stars! Rarely do I write a testimonial, but this is an unbelievable product. After forty years of spilling gasoline overboard when filling my tanks, I saw the advertisement in a boating magazine and took a chance.

This product performs flawlessly. No more begging the dockhands for a hose to wash off the gunnel and hull. When I had a simple question about assembly, the inventor responded on a Sunday. It should be on everyone's list to buy.


John R.


Rich M.

I just posted a big thumbs up testimonial for your Fuel Fill on  I have a 2012 Ranger Tug R27.  this is the first time that I was able to run a fuel pump at wide open speed.  In short, it worked like a champ.


Jack F.

Thank you for taking the time to develop such a wonderful product.  I have owned my boat for almost 20 years. I love it, eexcept for when it came to putting in fuel.  For an unknown reason, I have had problems with fuel tank ventilation from the beginning.  When I saw your product in the magazine I called immediately.  I found out the price and I thought that I had nothing to lose.  When I used the Clean Way product for the first time, BONANZA instead of Old Faithful, the first time that I used the Clean Way Product I got 200 gallons in my boat in under 20 minutes!  More important, I did not spill a drop of fuel.  the marina where I purchased the fuel informs me that now the boat owner is responsible for fueling their own boat.  If there's fuel spilling into the waterway the owner has the liability, not the owner.  You solved multiple problems with this wonderful product.  thank you again for creating it.


Rick P.- Florida   

I wanted to thank you for your fuel fill baffle system. I have been boating in Florida for 50 years and have never had a fuel fill problem before. With the environmental issues I am getting more sensitive to my footprint. I recently purchased a used 30ft. Donzi CC that holds 200 gallons of fuel. The first time I filled the boat was horrible. Fuel Kept coming up over the fuel filler and it took 30 minutes to put 60 gallons. I replaced the vent and fuel filling became a little faster but it still continued to back up occasionally and shoot out of the filler opening without warning. Marinas were telling me I could not continue to fill up with so much spillage. I tried wrapping and stuffing absorbent pads around the filler neck, which was a temporary fix because eventually the pad was soaked and dripping everywhere. Then I discovered your product when I went thoroughly through every page of Florida Sport Fishing Magazine in late 2018. I purchased a 10 inch model and the problem was solved. Marinas comment now on the effectiveness of your product and I will spread the word.


Doug P. - Sneads Ferry, N.C.

Thanks Garry, cannot see gassing up without it.


Good Morning Garry!!

My brother and I own a Cobia 237 CC. Great fishing boat with one glaring shortcoming, the fuel tank is not vented, hence numerous over-flows when fueling. Over the last 2 years we have been stymied by the fact that it takes about 20-25 minutes to take on 25 gallons of fuel because the marina has to turn the pump down to the lowest pressure. What a pain!! I live in Wilmington, NC and my brother lives in Atlanta. He came in for a visit this past weekend and needless to say, fishing was on the top of the to do list. He told me he had seen your device advertised in Saltwater Sportsman and decided to take a leap of faith. Long story short, we assembled the Clean Way and went fishing. We stopped for fuel at the end of the day, crossed our fingers and inserted the Clean Way. Couldn't believe it, we loaded 17gallons of fuel in about 3 minutes and the only time the tank burped was when it was full. What a great invention!! Darn thing is better than sliced bread!! I'm sure you have solved a problem that many boaters struggle with. Thanks so much!!



I have now used the 12"  Clean Way Fuel Fill about a dozen times on my 16' classic Donzi, which has the fuel fill in the center of the forward deck. Prior to getting the Clean Way Fuel Fill, at every fill up, the gas would spill out all over the deck. Not once has this mess happened since the use of the CleanWay. I  had been putting an oil absorbent matt around the Clean Way, but now, with no spills, I will discontinue that practice as I now have confidence no gas will be spilled.

Great  product, which really has put an end to the mess of gas all over the deck at each fueling.


Jason N. - Ontario, Canada

Tried out a new environmental product to ensure no fuel spray/fuel spill at the fuel pumps. This product was showcased at the 2017 Miami Boat Show. The product is Clean Way Fuel Fill. Our boat had a history of not ventilating fast enough while fueling. This product worked amazing!!


Todd F. - South Carolina

I use my Clean Way on a 2015 Eastcape Vantage Flats Boat and it works great. Before I found your product, fueling was a nightmare. 

A simple product that WORKS, what could be better...

I heard about you through a friend.


Yohann S. - B.C. Canada

Took me nearly 3 weeks of head scratching before I found it on the internet. Works really well and saved me a bunch of money over re-plumbing the boat fuel tank. Used it and not even a drop of fuel spilled.


Dave M.    Washington State

I used the Clean Way Fuel Fill for the first time in Friday Harbor, Washington yesterday and it worked like a champ. Great Product.


George S.

Good Morning Clean Way. I have used your Clean Way Fuel Fill for approximately one year. Each and every time I am completely satisfied with the form and function of the filler. The quality of the product and the thought to help save the environment, surface each time the gas does NOT surface.

I have shown the product to numerous people and places, all with positive results.

I took a trip to the Abacos and everyone at the docks "ooed and awed" the results. I was asked over and over "where do I get one?"

Most of the boaters in the Abacos are from Florida and were anxious to return stateside and buy one. I had a self induced problem with the assembly, called Garry Fox, and he took care of everything in a prompt time.

The filler is a first class product with first class customer service, from a first class company.

I believe the product should be standard factory equipment on any new vessel.Thank goodness there are companies that DO invent things instead of just TALK about saving the waterways.

I wish Clean Way Fuel Fill a successful and well deserved future.


Stay Positive.



John B.

Excellent customer service. Product works great, no spill worries.


Captain Jason N. - Ontario, Canada

I did everything you said and it worked perfect at 100% fuel pump throttle....Put a raving revue by me.


Vivian M.

Happy Tuesday...Last week I got your product. I really like it and will be mentioning the function of it during our clean boating seminars and volunteer training.


A. Coste

Hi, first use of your product yesterday! Works Perfectly (three thumbs up).

Great Invention :)

Best Regards


Chris B.

It works great and I love it. Our marina girls love it and they want the boss to buy a set for the fuel dock. Fingers crossed.


Bill H.Rockford, MI

I purchased your fuel system product for my pontoon boat this spring. Your product works great.


Dave O. 

Thank You, this is the second one I purchased. My son saw how good it works and had to have one for his boat.


Craig F. - Easton, Maryland

After a bad 1st experience fueling my new Ranger Tug, I looked to our forum, Tug Nuts, for advice. It was there that I learned that our tanks present challenges. It was also there that I learned about Clean Way Fuel Fill. I checked your website and liked what I saw. I ordered my Clean Way Fuel Fill.

After a bad 1st experience fueling my new Ranger Tug, I looked to our forum, Tug Nuts, for advice. It was there that I learned that our tanks present challenges. It was also there that I learned about Clean Way Fuel Fill. I checked your website and liked what I saw. I ordered my Clean Way Fuel Fill.

The second fueling experience was made perfect by using your product. Not one drop spilled. The tank still decided to "burp" a bit a few times, but your ingenious system prevented any fuel from spilling. 

The dock hand at Brewer's Oxford Marina watched the whole thing, and was amazed, asking after I finished, for the name and information about the Clean Way Fuel Fill. In fact, this has been the reaction at virtually every marina I've visited and purchased fuel. Some even suggest they may get one just to help Captains who have a problem.

I am getting ready to put my Ranger Tug into covered storage for the winter here on the eastern shore of Maryland. I visited my friends in Oxford and filled right to the top of my tank, again, without a drop spilled, thanks to Clean Way Fuel Fill.

So, I've put 150 hours on my boat this year and with the exception of my first experience without the Clean Way Fuel Fill, I've used it every time I've fueled the vessel with 100% success.

Count me among the most satisfied customer group...which I would expect is about everyone who uses the system.


Doug P.

I saw your product on line and thought I would try it. I love it, I can now get fuel on the water without worrying about spilling. Every time I gassed up at the dock, the fuel would kick back up the fill neck and spill out on the boat and into the water. It didn't matter how careful I was or how slow I filled, I would always get that splash back at the end. With your product I can fill faster and I don't spill any into the water. Great product. I even took it around to some of the boat shops and marinas in my area.

R. Perry

"I wanted to thank you for your fuel baffle system.  I have been boating in Florida for 50 years and have never had a fuel problem before.  With the environmental issues I am getting more sensitive to my footprint. I recently purchased a used 30 ft Donzi CC that holds 200 gallons of fuel. The first time that I fueled the boat it was horrible.  Fuel kept coming up over the fuel filler and it took 30 minutes to put in 60 gallons.  I replaced the vent and fuel filling became a little faster, but it still continued to back up occasionally, and would shoot out of the filler opening without warning.  Marinas were telling me that I could not continue to fill up with so much spillage.  I tried wrapping and stuffing absorbent pads around the filler neck, which was a temporary fix because eventually the pad was soaked and dripped everywhere. Then I discovered your product when I went through every page of a Florida Sport Fishing magazine in late 2018.  I purchased a 10 inch model and the problem was solved.  Marinas comment on the effectiveness of your product and tell me everyone should have one. You have an excellent product and I will spread the word.

Capt. Lee U.

"I have been boating for over 55 years, currently, I hold a 200 ton masters license and have for over 25 years, I am a certified Rescue SCUBA diver, and served as a Machinist Mate 2nd, in the USNR, lets just say I have spent a lot of time around boats. During those years, I have had many experiences with all types of equipment in a marine environment, your Clean Way Fuel Fill system is right at the top of the list. It is a great product! This system is simple and easy to use, safe for the boater and the environment, it simply does what it is designed to do! Here is another way to look at it, over the years I have spent many dollars on fuel diapers to clean up after fueling my vessels, since I purchased your product, I have used the same fuel diaper all season, as a preventive device, without needing to use it. With that in mind, I believe this product pays for itself in short order. I have recommended the Clean Way Fuel Fill system to all of my boating friends! Thanks for helping to clean up our waterways and a great product!"


"I’ve now used my clean way in Florida, the Bahamas,Canada and around the great loop (currently in Northern Michigan heading south home to Tampa) and it is awesome. Never any blowback and keeps my hands, boat and environment clean!"  



"Dear Sir, You and I spoke a few weeks ago about your product on the phone… of course I was skeptical, but you told me about your boat’s problems burping several times on fill up and I was having the same problem — burping and taking way too long to fill up! You took my order over the phone and I received your product in a few days as promised. The first time I used the Clean Way it worked as advertised and my main problem was solved… no more burping!  It did back up 2 times but no spills! The Maine thing I could see the vapor escaping out of the top and I knew I had found my solution! It took 7 years of countless hours filling my boat’s 290 gallon tank. Thanks so much of a wonderful, as advertised product. My wife also added the packaging, i.e. pictures were the best she had ever seen. Thanks again for your help! A very satisfied customer. p.s. - I wish you all the luck in the world, but if for some unknown reason the product is discontinued, I plan on ordering a back up just in case. I believe in the product that much for sure!  



"Also tried out a new environmental product to ensure no fuel spray / fuel spill at the fuel pumps. This product was showcased at the 2017 Miami International Boat Show. Product is Clean Way Fuel Fill. Our boat had a history or not ventilating fast enough wile fueling. This product worked amazing!"





"I’m excited for the future. This is a great product. Please keep up the good work. Most people talk about saving the water. You guys are literally doing it. Thank you."



"At last we had good weather and I used the fuel fill. WOWZER! Not only did it perform as described,it was fantastic to use. I loaded up 200 gallons. The fuel back-washed twice and not a drop hit the boat or the water! Very easy, very simple, utmost usefull. The dockmaster was amazed and grabbed a few other boaters to observe. The entire marina was impressed and I answered many questions - mostly, where and how long to get one. Thanks for a needed and quality invention. My greatest appreciation for a wonderful product. Super super super! Thanks a zillion!



"My boat is awful about splashing gas down the side. I even changed my vent out. With the Clean Way, I don't spill a drop! Thanks for making a great product."



Hi Garry,
My order has arrived. The USPS destroyed the box and didn’t even make an effort to tape up the open side of the box. Scheeze! Everything appears to be in good order. This product appears to be WAY under.


just looking at the quality of the manufacturing and sturdy components. I am in the auto parts hauling business – we handle thousands of parts going to the Big 3 auto factories. The Clean Way Fuel Fill looks sturdier than most auto parts and components we haul to the factories every day! Now that I have mine, I give you permission to double the price!  LOL!! I cannot wait to try this on our 2017 NauticStar center console which has burped fuel at almost every fuel stop. I look forward to our next fuel stop!"


'Hi Garry,

Just wanted to drop you a note again. We have fueled a couple of times since receiving our Clean Way Fuel Fill and it is working 100% as advertized! It is kind of funny to have dock hands and other boaters looking at us while they are thinking to themselves ‘what the heck is that?’ When they see my fuel burp-out, stay in the baffles and then drain down into the fuel fill they have the same reaction as I did when I first used the Clean Way fuel fill… “Whoa! That’s AWESOME!” Every marina should have the Clean Way Fuel Fill readily at hand for all fueling – whether the boat is a burper or not. I suggested to my boat dealer’s Branch Manager that every boat he sells should include a Clean Way Fuel Fill as standard equipment. Thanks for creating a solid, simple, 100% functional fueling device that every boater and marina should own to preserve our environment while eliminating the dangerous situation of fuel and fuel vapors being spilled into the boat’s decks. Have a great day."



"Here is the press article that made me discover your product.

I wouldn't be surprise that you get some more orders from France or others French speaking countries.


Wish you a great success with your product.

Bien à vous"



"At last we had good weather and I used the fuel fill. WOWZER! Not only did it perform as described,it was fantastic to use. I loaded up 200 gallons. The fuel back-washed twice and not a drop hit the boat or the water! Very easy, very simple, utmost usefull. The dockmaster was amazed and grabbed a few other boaters to observe. The entire marina was impressed and I answered many questions - mostly, where and how long to get one. Thanks for a needed and quality invention. My greatest appreciation for a wonderful product. Super super super! Thanks a zillion!



"Hi Garry,
I was out yesterday and wanted to fill my tank to the top so I could program the Garmin on my new Ranger Tug. My first fueling effort ended with one big fuel burp and a bit of a mess which I did get cleaned up. The boat was easy, but the blue jeans took about 3 washes before they stopped smelling like diesel fuel! I thought I’d pretty much filled the tank with my first effort, but it turned out that while I thought I might need 5 to 10 gallons, I took on 30 gallons using the Clean Way Fuel Fill. At the very end, there was a small burp, but your fine device worked exactly as described and not a drop spilled. Thanks so much for an outstanding design and a product I will use every time."



"Used the Clean Way the last time I filled up, nozzle popped twice and no overflow!!! Already paid for itself as far as I'm concerned."

FAQ: Will the Clean Way work on vertical deck fills? Clean Way Fuel Fill is designed for horizontal deck fills and has been effective on deck fills up to 45° and more (see refueling image above) Pictured here is the deck fill of a 2006 Sea Ray Sundancer. For this  angle of a fuel receiver  we recommend using our 10-inch Clean Way  as it may be easier to hold in place than the larger 12-inch model.  As with the photo above, on a steep angled receiver, it is better to have the baffle tube and the fuel nozzle next to each other.  It allows for quicker drainage back into the fuel tank.     

Note: Clean Way now offers a fuel fill kit for vertical, 90° angle fills. Click here.